Buy Selle SMP TRK Man Saddle
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All in all, we are actually suggest Selle SMP TRK Man Saddle fou you. This on-line sellers provide the best and save expense price which integrated super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions gives you with a a great deal of fuller info from the cons and pros from the Selle SMP TRK Man Saddle.
All in all, we are actually suggest Selle SMP TRK Man Saddle fou you. This on-line sellers provide the best and save expense price which integrated super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions gives you with a a great deal of fuller info from the cons and pros from the Selle SMP TRK Man Saddle.
The Selle SMP Strike TRK Man saddle is designed from extensive studies conducted which analyzed the different positions assumed by a cyclist in the various phases of a ride and the constant interaction between the body and the saddle. Based on these findings, Selle SMP designed the STRIKE saddle which prevents the cyclist's sensitive areas from getting squashed and increases the blood flow to the leg muscles. Selle SMP makes the saddle in Italy. The central channel of the saddle varies in width to contour the body and allow continuous circulation of blood flow. The front section of the saddle with its beak-shaped design offers excellent support when pedaling hard and prevents your sensitive area from getting squashed in the process. The design of the outer mid-section is shaped to follow your thigh muscles to maximize blood circulation and pedaling power. The overall weight of the rider is distributed throughout the saddle to offer comfort without sacrificing performance. This allows you to exert more power while in the saddle and ride longer more comfortably. The Selle SMP Strike TRK Man features a larger platform and more padding for increased comfort. FEATURES - Weight: 395 grams Dimensions: 280 x 160 mm Padding: Foamed elastomer. Casing: Nylon 12 charged with carbon fibre. Frame: AISI 304 tubular steel rails.
Selle SMP TRK Man Saddle Feature
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